Tuesday, October 02, 2018

For those who think abortion is about the women...

Abortion was never about women.  It was mandated by male judges when a large majority of women thought it was wrong.  Four out of five women who are planning to get an abortion change their minds when see the child in their womb via ultrasound.  And Planned Parenthood knows this.  Most women don’t leave their offices with a smile on their faces, relieved that they got their abortion and glad to get on with their lives.  They leave depressed.  They didn’t get an abortion because they wanted to kill their child, but because they saw no way to raise the child.  They’re being pressured into it by their boyfriends, who threaten to leave them to raise the child alone.  If pregnant women knew that the father of the child they were carrying would be a good husband to them and a good father to the child, most women would never get an abortion.

Abortion is not about the women, it’s about the men.  It’s about boyfriends who want the perks of sex but don’t want the responsibility of caring for the mother and child.  It’s about pimps who don’t want their prostitutes getting pregnant.  It’s about child abusers, who want sex with their daughters but don’t want to get caught having made them pregnant.  If men didn’t push women to get abortions, but instead supported and cared for them and their child, Planned Parenthood would go out of business in a shot.

And abortion is cruel - puncturing the skull of the child to suck out its brains, cutting off its arms and legs in the womb.  We’ve seen ultrasounds of the process and it’s terrible.

We need to stand up and say that we will no longer allow this cruelty in the name of sexual convenience.  That we will no longer drive women to do what their hearts tell them is wrong just because we refuse to be responsible for our actions.  That people need to have sex responsibly, just like they need to drink responsibly and use a cell phone responsibly.  The lives of others hang on their actions.  We need to tell each other that if we have sex we need to be prepared for the possibility that the woman might become pregnant and that man will need to act responsibly and care for the mother and child.  It will be hard now, because we’ve raised a generation of men who are used to being able to have sex irresponsibly, but it can be done and it must be done for the welfare of the women and for society as a whole.

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