Sunday, March 30, 2014

Inspired by today's service at Grace EV Free of Fullerton

I looked for God intently
I sought Him high and low
He showed his glory to me
But there I could not go

I wanted all the beauty
But not the sov'reign King
I hoped he'd make me happy
Instead He made me sting

His law showed my rebellion
His light revealed my heart
I learned I was a hellion
Born sinful from the start

I could not bear to see this
I shut my eyes and fled
But though I tried to flee this
God captured me instead

He called out, "Child, where are you?"
I whispered, "Here I am."
"I cannot stand before you,
for you will surely damn."

"Your wrath is all that's owed me
I'm blacker than I know"
He silenced me and showed me
His gifts for me, His foe

He gave His Son a ransom
For debts I could not pay
So I could have a welcome
In heav'n on Judgment Day.

He gave His Spirit to me
His light to light my road
His power to renew me
And strength to bear my load

How can I flee my Savior?
I'm pris'ner of His love.
I'm bound to Christ, the Victor.
En route to heav'n above.

One day I'll see His face there
And know as I've been known
Thank God for all His favor,
Praise be to Him alone!

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