As of 1/4 9:30 PM
Life is returning to normal. While Lynn is still on the oxygen at times, she can come off of it to work in the kitchen and can do other tasks with the oxygen. She still gets tired more quickly than before, but it seems just a matter of time before her energy level returns to normal. I'm going to stop updates here, as I don't think that there's anything more that needs special attention. If things change, I'll get word out. Thanks to everyone who has been tracking Lynn's health, praying for her, and offering assistance; you all have been a great encouragement to us.
As of 1/4 9:00 AM
Lynn got good sleep without the oxygen concentrator and woke with blood oxygen at about 93. After resuming use of the concentrator, it's back up to 97. She ate breakfast at our normal place and seems to be doing well overall.
As of 1/3 10:00 PM
Lynn's blood oxygen got up to 98% briefly, even at setting 2 of the oxygen concentrator. I expect that we'll try removing the oxygen tomorrow and see how she does. She's started to get a little stir crazy and has begun doing a few things around the house, which is excellent.
As of 1/3 11:00 AM
Lynn woke up somewhat draggy, with lower blood oxygen, but within an hour it was up to a good level. She's able to eat normally at this point, and feels like her progress is slow, but discernable.
As of 1/2 7:25 PM:
Lynn's blood oxygen was up to 97%, so we turned down the oxygen concentrator from 2.5 to 2.0. She is eating normally, but food tastes "off" (not surprisingly). Otherwise, she's doing well. Thanks to Paula Clevenger, who delivered a large El Pollo Loco meal, which will give us a few days of leftovers. She, Dana Chisholm and family members have kept us well supplied.
Another note from some friends of ours:
We got our test results back last night and we too are Covid positive. Bob is struggling the most on account of his other diagnoses, and while not seriously in trouble, as in shortness of breath, pain, etc...his pulse ox is also not keeping up. So this morning we came to ER on the recommendation of the Kaiser nurse...and we’re here now. He’s on O2 at the moment and being worked up for all other things as they usually do. His other main symptoms are achiness when the fever rises, but none higher than 100.8 so far and his asthmatic cough...truly he feels he has the flu with asthma exacerbation. But the numbers say otherwise. We do hope to get some treatment help before leaving today but will keep you posted.
Sorry to lay this on you when you are concerned for Lynn...but Bob wanted to reach out for prayer support from the group as well.
PS for Grace group...Bob is now in hospital. They found patchy double pneumonia and a blood clot in one lung. He is being moved to Kaiser Irvine tonight as there were no beds in Anaheim. He feels pretty well, and is glad to be able to sleep in a proper bed tonight, once in Irvine. Thanks so much for your prayers.
As of 1/2 9:15 AM:
Lynn had a decent night's sleep on oxygen, woke refreshed, had a normal breakfast. Temperature of 98.4, blood oxygen 96. All in all, looking quite good (except that the dog didn't want to come home from his walk).
As of 1/1 4:30 PM:
Lynn is home with home oxygen, antibiotics and steroids.
As of 1/1 12:10 PM:
St. Jude's is working on setting up home oxygen for Lynn. It is possible that she will be discharged today, but that isn't certain at the moment.
As of 1/1 7:45 AM:
Lynn had a decent night's sleep (with some help from a painkiller). Her fever seems to be gone and the headache with it, which is really nice. During the night her blood oxygen went low and she was put on oxygen support but that was removed before morning. It is painful for her to inhale too deeply.
As of 12/31 7:00 PM:
Pneumonia seems to be responding to a round of steroids and antibiotics, now she's being monitored.
As of 12/31 6:30 PM:
Hospitals are not known for being great places for a good night's sleep; pray that she sleeps well anyhow and is really rested in the morning - this has been difficult for her lately even at home.
As of 12/31 5:00 PM:
Lynn is in her room and feels better after having eaten something. Her blood oxygen was measured at 94, which is considerably higher than it was this morning.
As of 12/31 2:30 PM:
A room has been designated for Lynn and they're preparing to move her into it.
As of 12/31 12:00 PM:
The doctor reports that x-rays indicate that Lynn may have some pneumonia.
As of 12/31 11:00 AM:
Lynn will be admitted to St. Jude's when they can get a room for her. The ER is very crowded.
As of 12/31 9:00 AM:
I took Lynn to the Emergency Room at St. Jude's this morning. Her blood oxygen level was too low and wasn't coming up. She had no fever when admitted, and had been able to eat most of a breakfast of two eggs and a slice of toast. Her cough continues to bother her and she continues to feel lousy, but she managed the preparation well. No other symptoms we could see.